South Africa

The appeal of

tiny house living

Who can benefit from tiny house living?

Are you currently renting, dreaming of owning your own house?

Are your children now young adults and struggling to find an affordable place to live or your aging parents need assisting, perhaps there is room on your property to park their tiny houses?

Looking for extra income, why not park a tiny house on your property and rent it for short term or long term or have an extra space for guests to stay.

The Appeal of Tiny House Living in a world where bigger is often seen as better, the tiny house movement challenges traditional ideas of homeownership. People are increasingly drawn to the tiny house lifestyle, valuing time and experiences over things and possessions.

1. Financial Freedom, the road to debt free living

Tiny houses are a way to achieve financial freedom. Unlike traditional homes with large bonds that tie you in for 30 plus years and ongoing costs.

Tiny houses are more affordable with a smaller once of payment or if financing a much shorter payment period when compared to traditional house.

If you come from a larger home of even just 3 bedrooms you will find the massive difference in the monthly cost that it takes to live in your tiny house.

Electricity is saved on with having fewer lights, because the square meterage is more than half the size of a average house heating and cooling your home is far cheaper and more efficient.

2. Generally houses in SA are not well insulated.

Tiny houses are far better suited to keep the temperatures comfortable, warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. This is a further saving on your power bill.

Tiny houses are environmentally friendly due to their smaller footprint, requiring fewer materials to build and less energy to maintain.

Tiny houses provide a path to live debt-free. With lower upfront costs and reduced ongoing expenses, you can avoid excessive debt. Allowing for part time work or early retirement perhaps even regular trips to explore the world. With extra money in your pocket and more time on your hands, it's your choice.

3. Minimalistic Lifestyle

Living in a tiny house promotes a shift to a more minimalistic lifestyle. The limited space encourages people to focus on essential items, reducing clutter and embracing intentional living.

4. Mobility and Flexibility

Our Tiny houses come on wheels, offering ultimate flexibility for adventure lovers. This mobility allows individuals to change locations, explore new places, and enjoy a nomadic lifestyle without sacrificing the comforts of home, weather working from home or being relocated for work either can be done.

Have a chat with us on how mobile you would like your home to be, there are serval options available.

5. Customization for your

personal taste

Tiny houses allow for unparalleled customization. Owners can personalize their space to suit their needs. Making the space your own with all your Favourite finishes. From counter tops, closet space, double glazed windows to bathroom fixtures, these can all be chosen by you to make it truly your personal tiny house!

Come chat to us to make your dreams come true!